Mon: Speed DL then pushups, BJO, PP, PJ, Row Tue: DB Clean Complex then babrbell clean complex, farmers carry Wed: Back Sq then DU, WB Thu: Athlete’s Choice Fri: Muscle Ups then HSWU, AMSU Sat: 31 Heroes Sun: Pullups, C&J Never blow out someone else’s candle Separation of Church and State If you cheat, your coach noticed. You fooled no one....Read More
This is a deload week. Your body needs it. Mon: Clean from blocks then CTB, MBC Tue: TGU then sand bag, rope climb Wed: Row then KBS, HSPU Thu: Athlete’s Choice Fri: Shoot throughs then weighted step ups, sdlhp Sat: TTB, pushups, OHS (end of deload week) Sun: Bear complex then some more bear complexes Expect traffic around Summit for the PGA...Read More
Mon: Row, Manmakers, HPC, AMSU, Box Jumps, Handstand Walks Tue: Heavy Back Sq, then DU, BMU/CTB Wed: Please do not overflow parking lot so we can do tire flips, then DB Snatch Thu: Athlete’s Choice Fri: Bench press then KTE couplet Sat: team row, HRPU, WB Sun: OHL, KBS, Box Jumps Watch US Olympians teach us mere mortals how to...Read More
Mon: Clean Complex then Thruster, Box Jumps Tue: DB/KN OHS then TTB, SDLHP Wed: Sean “Off the Market” Kennedy Bday wod with manageable sets of HPS, OHL, Pushups, Ball Slams, Pullups Thu: Athlete’s Choice Fri: Strict press then row, OHS, HSPU Sat: PP, Ring Dips, KBS Sun: Pistol Sq then DU, DL Just an easy 500 KG deadlift… Murph...Read More
Mon: DT Benchmark Week! Tue: Handstand PU/W work then Row Wed: Cluster, CTB Thu: Athlete’s Choice Fri: Annibel Sat: Lauper Sun: 1RM DL then Sprint Lives in a van, down by the river (almost) LaCroixRead More
Mon: (Karen – cal) then OHL, KTE Tue: Bear Complex then Bear Complex, BMU, Burpee, HSWU Wed: DL then MBT, WB, Row Thu: Athlete’s Choice Fri: DU, Lunges, Ball Slams, CTB Sat: RevB then TTB, KBS, Pushups Sun: Closed this Sunday, July 3rd Holiday Schedule for Monday, July 4th: 730a, 900a, 1030a only Next week is benchmark week!Read More
Mon: Thruster, rope climb, HPS Tue: Back squat then lunge, handstand walk and Jared is back on Tuesday! Wed: TTB, Box Jump Thu: Athlete’s Choice Fri: Sled then PP, AMSU Sat: Mary P Bday wod Sun: Row, KBS New Swag! Purchase Stars, Stripes, and NJ Shirt HERE Elliptical SyndromeRead More
Mon: Snatch Complex, TTB, DU Tue: DL then ring muscle up, cleans, box jumps Wed: Team Zercher Carry then team back rack carry, PP, KBS Thu: Athlete’s Choice Fri: Strict Press then “Modified Macho Man” Sat: Shoot Throughs then DU, SDLHP Sun: OHL, DB Snatch, MBCWB Endurance workouts on Thursdays ONLY at Tatlock Field at 800p. Homework given then....Read More
Mon: Burpees, pistol squats, TTB, KBS, HSWU Tue: Weighted pushup then “The Chief” Wed: Pause back squats then Row, Chin ups, PP Thu: Athlete’s Choice Fri: 3 position snatch then Lurong Challenge Wod 4: HPC, Shuttle Sprint Sat: Team row then Partner WB, KBS Sun: Partner cal then box jump, hspu Please support Leukemia research in memory of Karyn’s friend...Read More
Mon: Hero Wod, KBS, Box Jump, WB Tue: 1RM Clean then clean, l-sit pullups, hspu Wed: Nasty Greens: A Mike Green Bday Wod with BMU, HPC and a few other things Thu: Athlete’s Choice Fri: DL then “Baseline” Sat: Snatches, SDL Sun: DU, Thrusters, CTB, Rope Climbs NSCA admits to publishing false injury claims about CrossFit Mental prepRead More