
A 4 week workshop from Jan 23rd – Feb 13th We’re very excited to partner up with Dr. Allison and Adjust Your Performance for a special program this January!! Sunday mornings starting January 23rd to February 13th at 10 a.m., Dr. Allison will be running her “Bulletproof Shoulder Series.” The course will help you: understand why your...
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A 6 week challenge from Jan 24th – Mar 6th A virtual kick-off meeting will be held January 15, 2022 at 12:00pm to review details for the following items: 3 InBody scans, measurements, and meetings with a Nutrition CoachWeekly virtual check-ins with a Nutrition CoachWeekly videos to support habit changesAccess to app for accountability and...
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As we collectively go through a fourth COVID-19 wave, Veracity Athletics has decided to simplify our protocols through January 30, 2021 and reserve the right to amend this expiration date as needed. Rather than mandate, our simplified protocols are three (3) very strong suggestions on how we can all help keep each other safe as...
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As we collectively go through a fourth COVID-19 wave, Veracity Athletics has decided to simplify our protocols through January 30, 2021 and reserve the right to amend this expiration date as needed. We steer clear of the term “common sense” but rather rely on what makes the most sense given the past 18 months of...
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Simple Best Practices: The best practice is kindness. Be considerate and realistic with your scheduling and only reserve a spot for a class time that you can actually attend. We understand life comes up so if you need to cancel your RSVP, we ask that you please do so as early as possible to give...
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Click on the picture to find out more information / register. And don’t forget to let us know so we can come cheer you on!
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Not sure why I look so scared and why I never really quite know what to do with my hands… Save the date: Fri, June 4th for The Happiest Hour at the Happiest Gym. We will provide food so be on the look out for an RSVP so we can plan accordingly. Email us with...
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We are rallying around one of our own, Annette Auriemma, as her family has gone through a truly tough year. First her husband, Jerry, and now her 26 year old son, Chris, are both going through cancer treatments simultaneously. Here is how Veracity Athletics is putting a CrossFit touch on a fundraiser for Annette and...
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