
Mon: Front Squats at 65% or 16.4 make up* then thruster, box jump, row Tue: Nick D Bodyweight Birthday wod with running, pullups, pushups, TTB, air squats, ring dips Wed: BTN Split Jerk then Push Press and DU Thu: Athlete’s Choice Fri: CF Games Open Workout 16.5 Sat: Actual class with a regular wod. Workout to be announced Saturday at...
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Mon: partner warm up (or 16.3 make up*) then WB, KBS and row finisher Tue: 0:00-9:59 of DL and TTB then 10:00-20:00 of Power Clean and Thrusters Wed: Handstand work then HPC, Box Jumps, HSPU Thu: Athlete’s Choice Fri: CF Games Open Workout 16.4 Sat: Actual class with a regular wod. Workout to be announced Saturday Sun: CF Games Open...
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Mon: OHS (or 16.2 make up) then row, HPS, Box Jumps, and birthday burpees for Jeff! Tue: speed DLU then WB, HSPU Wed: Team wod of KBS, AMSU, Rope Climbs or MU or Pullups Thu: Athlete’s Choice Fri: CF Games Open Workout 16.3 Sat: Actual class with a regular wod. Workout to be announced Saturday Sun: CF Games...
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Mon: Power Clean and KBS Tue: DU then row, PP, Box J Wed: Find heavy cluster then DL, Thruster, TTB Thu: Open Gym Fri: CF Games Open Workout 16.2 Sat: Actual class with a regular wod. Workout to be announced Saturday Sun: CF Games Open Workout 16.2 retest The first monthly Family Wod will be...
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Mon: FGB Tue: Arianna Birthday Wod exclusively with C&J and Snatches Wed: Partner wod (equal work) or Ring Muscle Ups (Mod: CTB), Front sq, HSPU, Ball Slams Thu: Open Gym Fri: CF Games Open Workout 16.1 Sat: Open Gym Sun: CF Games Open Workout 16.1 retest We have CrossFit Kids (6-8yo) classes on Saturdays at 930a and the first monthly Family Wod...
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Mon: BTN Split Jerk then OHS, SDLHP Tue: Max effort then MBC, Pullups Wed: Max Height Hurdle then WB, Box Jump, Power Cleans Thu: Open Gym Fri: Back Sq @ 75% then Bear Complex, TTB, Burpees Sat: HEAVY DL, DU, L-sit Sun: Run, Push, Pull We have CrossFit Kids (6-8yo) classes on Saturdays at 930a and the first monthly Family Wod will...
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Mon: Heavy TGU then DB Snatch, KBS Tue: Pause DL then Ball Slams, DL, Row Wed: Tempo Front Sq then Thruster ladder Thu: Open Gym Fri: Tommy 40th Birthday Wod with Rope Climbs, Box Jumps, Pushups, BMU and AMSU Sat: Handstand walk skill work then PP, TTB, DU Sun: Partner IGYG wod (Bring a friend for free!). Yes to Open Gym....
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Mon: Strict Press then run, box jump, pushups, pullups, KBS no time cap and garhammer finisher Tue: Clean+Thruster = Cluster complex then wallballs, ring dips, HSWU Wed: DL at 50% then atomic situps Thu: Rowing, Airdyne, Ball Slam Fri: Box Jumps, TTB (mandatory off day for those in the competition) Sat: Closed! Come support your fellow box mates in Kennilworth!...
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