Mon: Hero Wod, KBS, Box Jump, WB Tue: 1RM Clean then clean, l-sit pullups, hspu Wed: Nasty Greens: A Mike Green Bday Wod with BMU, HPC and a few other things Thu: Athlete’s Choice Fri: DL then “Baseline” Sat: Snatches, SDL Sun: DU, Thrusters, CTB, Rope Climbs NSCA admits to publishing false injury claims about CrossFit Mental prepRead More
Mon: Sleds then Ann Bday wod with step ups, amsu, handstand walk thenl-sit finisher Tue: Wk 5 Power Clean then muscle ups, kbs Wed: Lurong Benchmark #1 Thu: Athlete’s Choice Fri: Marty’s new favorite “Girl” for his birthday Sat: SB twist, ball slams Sun: Partners, DL, Front Sq, sto, static hold otherwise Lurong Challenge Registration – Starts Mon, 05/16! Not a superhero...Read More
Mon: Beauty is a Beast 2.0 with run to landmark, back squats, box jump overs, MBC, WAMSU Tue: Wk 4 Power Clean then nasty 1-2-3 combo Wed: DL then WB, DB Snatch Thu: Athlete’s Choice or special Cookies for Kid’s Cancer Class Times at 11a, 12p, and 800p.Contact Karen Conn for registration! Fri: Kipping then HSPU, TTB, KBS Sat: DU, Push...Read More
Mon: Pistol Sq then Thrusters, plank then ring rows Tue: Wk 3 Power Clean then burpee, L-sit Wed: Ring Muscle Ups then May the 4th be with you! DU, AMSU, MU and there will be 400m runs so plan accordingly Thu: Athlete’s Choice Fri: Front Rack Lunges then CTB, Row Sat: Team Back Squats, DB PP, DU, Pushups Sun: HPS, Ball Slams...Read More
Mon: Front Sq, KTE, Rope Climb Tue: Wk 2 Power Clean then MBC, Box Jump then supermans Wed: Squat Snatch then BMU, CTB, PP, PJ Thu: Athlete’s Choice Fri: DL then HSWU, DU Sat: Bear Complex, Burpees then partner mindline finisher Sun: WB, SDLHP, AMSU then finisher Four men four numbers Don’t change your rowing for calories – here’s why Read More
Mon: 5×5 Back sq @ 75% then TTB, STO Tue: Wk 1 Power Clean then pullups, DU Wed: Christine L Bday wod with power snatch, run Thu: Athlete’s Choice Fri: weather permitting) Team wod with sled push, WB, Box Jump, L-sit Sat: KBS, Pushups then mindline finisher Sun: heavy OHS then not so heavy OHS, HSPU Read More
Sun: Lowell (4)2.0 Mon: Shoot throughs then Thrusters, box Jump overs, midline finisher Tue: DL then SDLHP, Dips Wed: TGU then KBS, Clean Complex Thu: Athlete’s Choice Fri: 3RM strict press then PP, TTB Sat: class warm up then OHL, Ball Slam, midline finisher Sun: box Jump then HPS, step climbs The sugary albatross Work on your timing Read More
Mon: Snatches or OHS then row, power snatches Tue: 1RM Power Cleans then KBS, HSPU Wed: DL then TTB, Box Jumps Thu: Athlete’s Choice Fri: Max Push Jerk, Max Cal Sat: Team of 3 with timekeeper, zercher hold, manmakers Sun: On the next Sunday outline to be published on Saturday night *There will be separate class times to retest 16.5 at: CFV:...Read More