Pre-order for the new fall swag ends today, Monday October 31! NJ Devils tickets can be added to the monthly invoice. Bathrooms in the front are still out…but there is progress. The landlord is working on securing permits from the county to open the road. Mon: Happy Halloween! Back Squat Week 3, then Zombie-style Pumpkin Smash,...Read More
Bathrooms in the front are still not usable. Apologies for the inconvenience. But there is good news too… Come out to support members of the Truth in Fitness tribe competing this Saturday, October 29 at ‘Rock the Wod’ in West Essex! Don’t have any TIF clothing to represent the box at the event? Or want...Read More
Mon: OHS Tue: DL then AMSU, Push Ups, KBS, and TTB finisher Wed: Seated Box Jumps then Ring Dips, Pull Ups, more Box Jumps & Sprint Thu: Athlete’s Choice Fri: Handstand Walk, KBS and Plank finisher Sat: Back Squat Week 1, then Partner IGYG with WB, TTB, HSPU Sun: STO, HPC, DL CFV Night Out: NJ Devils Game, Saturday Nov 12 New...Read More
Construction continues but we’re making great progress. Congratulations to our members who participated in the Garden State Open! Mon: SDL then Box Jumps, KBS Tue: Bench Press, Row Wed: C&J then DU Thu: Athlete’s Choice Fri: Strict Press then Bear Complex, BMU, TTB Sat: Partner DL Hold, WB Sun: OHL, DU, HSPU CrossFit Letter to Big Dogs Roller Coaster as a cure...Read More
Construction this week. Might be a little noisy but still business as usual. Benchmark Week! Mon: 14.4 Tue: Handstand PU/W work then Row Wed: Cluster, CTB Thu: Athlete’s Choice Fri: Annie then Isabel Sat: Cindy Sun: Stephanie Green’s Bday Wod CrossFit Letter to Big Dogs Roller Coaster as a cure for Kidney Stones Nadal Stops Tennis Match Read More
Please visit to download the app so that you don’t need quarters for the meters. Also, morning classes please note that parking across the street from CFV is only allowed after 9am. Mon: Pause Front Squats then row a front squats Tue: Coach Amanda’s Bday wod with Running (no sub unless injured), DU, CTB, TTB,...Read More
Please visit to download the app so that you don’t need quarters for the meters. Also, morning classes please note that parking across the street from CFV is only allowed after 9am. Mon: Pam Bday Wod with box jump, row, SU, AMSU Tue: OHS then power snatch, ball slam Wed: Row sprint then WB, TTB Thu: Athlete’s...Read More
Please visit to download the app so that you don’t need quarters for the meters. Also, morning classes please note that parking across the street from CFV is only allowed after 9am. Mon: Back Sq @ 80% then GSO 1A&B Tue: Handstand work then Sprint + Girl Wod Wed: C&J complex then WB, C&J Thu: Athlete’s Choice Fri: Dips...Read More
Mon: HSPU, Chin up, SDLHP, Back Sq, AMSU Tue: Push Press then Partner Front Rack Lunge, Row Wed: Speed DL then AMSU, DU Thu: Athlete’s Choice Fri: WB, HPC, TTB Sat: KB Carry then Hurdles, KBS Sun: Dips and Rows then CTB, Pistols, DBS Mentally prepare for any wod When I see Katrin, I see you and me The energy balance equation is...Read More