Mon: Weightlifting fun! Tues: Weighted Pullups then, WB, DU, KBS Wed: MB Twists, Pistols, Pushups then, DB complex Thurs: PP then, DL, AMSU Fri: Seated Box J then, PS, BMU Sat: Teams of 3 for yokes, HSPU & Pistols Sun: Pendlay Row then, DBS & Rope Climbs No Regionals? No Problem!
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Mon: Bench Press then, pushups, squats, short run Tues: 1RM OHS / Snatch Balance work then sprint Wed: Interval Cardio with Fun! Thurs: Amanda’s Birthday Wod! Fri: DL then, DB Snatch, Box J Sat: Heavy Thruster for 3 then, Squats, Pullups Sun: Weighted Ring Dips then, AMSU, Ball Slams, HSPU Debunking CrossFit Misconceptions
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Mon: DL, DU, GHD Tues: Snatch complex then, Push and Pull Wed: Back Squat then, KB Thruster, AMSU, Ring Dips, Box J Thurs: Heavy hang clean fro 2 then, “Cleans and Climbs” Fri: HSPU EMOM then, Ball Slam, TTB, DU Sat: DB Box Step Over, AMSU, RMU Sun: DL then, KBS Ladder The line line between training competitively and damaging your body
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Mon: Barbell complex then, DB complex Tues: Partner sled push and burpees Wed: Bench press then, power cleans, TTB, DU Thurs: New gymnastics skill then, RMU, HSPU, DL Fri: Split Jerk EMOM then, PS, Box J Sat: Did you just fall from the sky? Sun: Box J, DB, WB
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Labor Day Schedule of 730a, 900a, 1030a only! Mon: Strict Ring Dip then, Partner DB Snatch, WB, Barbell Cleans, HSPU Tues: DU, Sandbag Cleans Wed: Tabata then, Heavy 3 Rep Front Squat! Thurs: Weighted pullup then, ball slams, KBS (USA), Box Jumps Fri: Blank, blank, blank your boat, gently down the blank… Sat: Snatch EMOM then, kipping complex, power snatch Sun: “Holeshot”   What if you allowed yourself to believe that things might even be better than ever  
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