The 2023 CrossFit Open is over! Thank you to all our participants, to our staff for working so hard at FNL and on Monday’s, and to our amazing Captains – Coach Dean and Mike Lazarro, and Coach Megan and Carolyn Lanza! You all brought spirit and FUN to each event!
Sit-ups for Pups is underway! This month we will be running a fundraiser for Barbells for Bullies- a non-profit that raises awareness and funds for shelters and shelter dogs! Did you know 1.2 million dogs go into shelters each year and don’t make it out? We have two ways for you to help! You can sponsor a coach as they complete AS MANY SIT UPS AS POSSIBLE during the month of March. For as little as a penny a sit up, you can support a good cause and encourage your favorite coach to work EXTRA hard! Sign up here! You can also make a flat donation to our team here.
SAVE THE DATE! We will be hosting a Sit-ups for Pups workout on Saturday, March 25th! Bring a friend to a regularly scheduled workout and 50% of their drop-in fee will be donated to the cause. This fun partner workout will be tough but also beginner friendly, so bring your spouse, neighbor, mailman, or coworker!
WATCH THIS to learn about our programming for the month of March! We will be sending home monthly overview videos moving forward to help you better plan what days to come to the gym. Questions about what you see? Interested in goal setting for the month? Want to focus on something specific? Email Coach Amanda ([email protected]) to set up a Success Session and lets get the needle moving on your goals!