Our “No Show” policy is in effect. There will be a $15 charge for these “No Shows.” You can read about our Class Reservation practices here: https://veracityathletics.com/class-reservations/
The Open begins THIS WEEK – February 24th! Friday Night Lights will be held on 2/25, 3/4, & 3/11. In addition, our Intramural Open will be returning with familiar captains: Erika & Megan VS. Sanjay & Dan T!! Be sure to tune in on Instagram OR Facebook live for the Live team draft.
Register here: https://games.crossfit.com/article/what-crossfit-open-and-why-should-i-sign
We will be having a Veracity Athletics night out on 3/19 at Huntley Tavern! Be sure to save the date!