All things considered, there is a lower risk of picking up the coronavirus at a gym namely because sweat does not transmit COVID-19 and we have enough space to not be on top of each other during class. With that being said here are a few things we are doing to be extra vigilant at CFV: Coaches have been instructed to wipe down high traffic grabby areas (door handles, locks, faucets, etc) at the start and end of their shifts and between classes as wellInstead of using the mouse (also to be wiped down) to check-in, you can just check-in on your iPhone. Click here for the simple instructionsThere are double the wipes in the gym via a new, fancy, wall-mounted wipes dispenserThe professional cleaners have been slipped an extra Benjamin to be generous with their disinfectant Also, here are a few things we are asking of you that all center around being...
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