SEE INVITATION AT THE BOTTOM Healthy Habits: Mindful Eating If you can develop a habit of wearing seatbelt, you can you develop a habit of mindful eating! After repetition, seeing the cue (getting in the car) takes away the need to actually think about what you’re doing (putting on your seatbelt). Your new habit becomes second nature, and now you feel weird if you don’t do it! Wouldn’t you feel a little uncomfortable driving around in your car without a seatbelt? OK I get it, but how do I develop a habit of mindful eating? There are 7 attitudes associated with developing the habit of mindfulness, or intuitive eating. If you practice one or more of these attitudes you may naturally develop a new healthy habit! 7 Attitudes that lead to intuitive eating NON-JUDGING “I’m withholding judgement,” rather than “I’m really not going to like this!” What if you let...
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