Nutrition WOD

Mon: partner warm up (or 16.3 make up*) then WB, KBS and row finisher Tue: 0:00-9:59 of DL and TTB then 10:00-20:00 of Power Clean and Thrusters Wed: Handstand work then HPC, Box Jumps, HSPU Thu: Athlete’s Choice Fri: CF Games Open Workout 16.4 Sat: Actual class with a regular wod. Workout to be announced Saturday Sun: CF Games Open Workout 16.4 retest *There will be a small amount of time allotted for a final retest of 16.3 at the beginning of each class on Monday. If you plan on doing this, please arrive early, mobilize, do the 16.3 warm up and be ready to go at the start of the class with a judge. Submit your own score for 16.3
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Mon: OHS (or 16.2 make up) then row, HPS, Box Jumps, and birthday burpees for Jeff! Tue: speed DLU then WB, HSPU Wed: Team wod of KBS, AMSU, Rope Climbs or MU or Pullups Thu: Athlete’s Choice Fri: CF Games Open Workout 16.3 Sat: Actual class with a regular wod. Workout to be announced Saturday Sun: CF Games Open Workout 16.3 retest Submit your own score for 16.2
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Mon: Power Clean and KBS Tue: DU then row, PP, Box J Wed: Find heavy cluster then DL, Thruster, TTB Thu: Open Gym Fri: CF Games Open Workout 16.2 Sat: Actual class with a regular wod. Workout to be announced Saturday Sun: CF Games Open Workout 16.2 retest The first monthly Family Wod will be March 6th at 930a (all ages welcome)! Contact Stacey for more information. Submit your own score for 16.1
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Mon: FGB Tue: Arianna Birthday Wod exclusively with C&J and Snatches Wed: Partner wod (equal work) or Ring Muscle Ups (Mod: CTB), Front sq, HSPU, Ball Slams Thu: Open Gym Fri: CF Games Open Workout 16.1 Sat: Open Gym Sun: CF Games Open Workout 16.1 retest We have CrossFit Kids (6-8yo) classes on Saturdays at 930a and the first monthly Family Wod will be March 6th at 930a (all ages welcome)! Contact Stacey for more information. Register for the CrossFit Games Open – and look for an email in your mailbox this Tuesday afternoon  
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Mon: BTN Split Jerk then OHS, SDLHP Tue: Max effort then MBC, Pullups Wed: Max Height Hurdle then WB, Box Jump, Power Cleans Thu: Open Gym Fri: Back Sq @ 75% then Bear Complex, TTB, Burpees Sat: HEAVY DL, DU, L-sit Sun: Run, Push, Pull We have CrossFit Kids (6-8yo) classes on Saturdays at 930a and the first monthly Family Wod will be March 6th at 930a (all ages welcome)! Contact Stacey for more information. Register for the CrossFit Games Open – there is no “fit enough” or “level of fitness” needed to compete. Participation is fun!  
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