Nutrition WOD

Mon: Sleds then Ann Bday wod with step ups, amsu, handstand walk thenl-sit finisher Tue: Wk 5 Power Clean then muscle ups, kbs Wed: Lurong Benchmark #1 Thu: Athlete’s Choice Fri: Marty’s new favorite “Girl” for his birthday Sat: SB twist, ball slams Sun: Partners, DL, Front Sq, sto, static hold otherwise Lurong Challenge Registration – Starts Mon, 05/16! Not a superhero  
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Mon: Beauty is a Beast 2.0 with run to landmark, back squats, box jump overs, MBC, WAMSU Tue: Wk 4 Power Clean then nasty 1-2-3 combo Wed: DL then WB, DB Snatch Thu: Athlete’s Choice or special Cookies for Kid’s Cancer Class Times at 11a, 12p, and 800p.Contact Karen Conn for registration! Fri: Kipping then HSPU, TTB, KBS Sat: DU, Push Jerk Sun: OHS, AMSU Lurong Challenge Registration – Starts Next Mon, 05/16! Bookcover  
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Mon: Pistol Sq then Thrusters, plank then ring rows Tue: Wk 3 Power Clean then burpee, L-sit Wed: Ring Muscle Ups then May the 4th be with you! DU, AMSU, MU and there will be 400m runs so plan accordingly Thu: Athlete’s Choice Fri: Front Rack Lunges then CTB, Row Sat: Team Back Squats, DB PP, DU, Pushups Sun: HPS, Ball Slams   Lurong Challenge Registration Be impressed with intensity, not volume  
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The week following Mother’s Day, the Garden State Good Cookies Team has teamed up with the best fitness studios in the area, to offer five days of intense work-outs. Veracity Athletics is hosting the Thursday Throwdown on May 12th with special classes at 1100a, 1200p, and 800p. 100% of proceeds will benefit Cookies for Kids’ Cancer, a national organization that funds the most promising pediatric cancer research studies in the country. Treat yourself to the gift of health and wellness, while helping children in need. Tickets are limited -purchase one today! For more information and to view the other studios participating, please visit the CFKC website for details on how to sign up for classes.
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Mon: Front Sq, KTE, Rope Climb Tue: Wk 2 Power Clean then MBC, Box Jump then supermans Wed: Squat Snatch then BMU, CTB, PP, PJ Thu: Athlete’s Choice Fri: DL then HSWU, DU Sat: Bear Complex, Burpees then partner mindline finisher Sun: WB, SDLHP, AMSU then finisher Four men four numbers Don’t change your rowing for calories – here’s why    
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