CFV 2.0

Let me start off by stating the obvious: we are blessed to have an opportunity to discuss our grievances. Further, if the grievances that are cause for action stem from a luxury such as a gym membership, we are even more blessed. I’ll address three points that have come up over the past few days as clearly as I can:
1. Value: Suggestions have not fallen on deaf ears but they do take time to fully implement and or rectify. I respectfully ask to be given until the end of the month to address most if not all of the physical issues with our beautiful space.
To put my money where my mouth is, I do not have contracts for a reason. If by the end of the month, the majority of the valid issues are not corrected, you let me know before the 1st and you will not be billed again on the 15th. This policy has always been in place for any reason whatsoever. While I do not want to see anyone go as I consider you all family, I am confident that after the novelty of a new gym experience wears off, something will be missing from your switch. And that something is the most valuable thing we offer here: the attention and care of the coaching during your one our of the day at CFV that takes countless of hours behind the scenes to nurture and produce.
2. Mindset: I personally do not agree with unrestricted gym time and I have never shied away from expressing that to anyone who has asked. Nevertheless, we currently offer Box Access – the ability to do whatever you want (ie unrestricted gym time) to those with an Unlimited Membership during all regular class times. What we have not done is provided that Box Access with a smile. That is a trickle down effect from me and I’ll take responsibility for that. This lightly commented but heavily followed exchange/discussion has a resulted in a fundamental shift for me. I present LM 2.0:
After this blackout cycle – which is set to last a few weeks – CFV will provide both the CF Skill and the GPP for the entire week in advance on Sundays. The hope is that for those that want to take advantage of the always available Box Access, they will also take into consideration what is upcoming and self-program with the understanding of impact to general training. Discussion with the coach at the time of Box Access is always encouraged and will be met with a smile.
3. Adulting: It’s hard. Change is hard. Communication is hard. CFV strives to create better humans both physically and mentally and we do this because the CrossFit protocol naturally produces this from all who follow it. Sometimes our methods attack intangible weaknesses as opposed to physical ones – and sometimes that is even more scarier (grammatical error intended) but everyone will be better for it as has been proven time and time again. As an adult, we are not required to do much. But adult to adult, I will ask for the best and kindest behavior possible from members and staff alike – with the hope that this behavior extends outside of the gym as naturally as falling to ground is during a burpee. Something I ask myself after every encounter / interaction was whether I could have been been nicer. The answer is most always yes – because everyone can always be nicer (even the already nice people) – and I do my very best to change course for future interactions. To quote a good friend who quoted a really smart guy, “For unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall be much required”.
Anonymous comments allow for an extra level of harshness generally not expressed face to face. Personal attacks are cruel and unnecessary. Remember: everyone could always be nicer! The “it’s not my problem, it’s theirs” attitude is disappointing. As a family, we should rather think, “how can I help?”. Communication is a two-way street and I have made it a 2018 goal to communicate better but I ask the same from all of you. Let’s keep each other accountable for this in a nice way and help each other make CFV the best it possibly can be. The unnecessary garage door to my office is almost always open and I am always available for a phone call, text, and/or email.

I close with hope that we can move forward from #crankygate2018 an even stronger tribe. I will always smile when I think of all the progress we have made and all the progress we will soon make in the future.