Gobble Gobble! Balancing out the pumpkin pie and stuffing…
‘Built by Veracity’ shirts are in and available for pick up at the front desk.
CFV is hosting the CrossFit Liftoff on Sunday, December 3. Stay tuned for heat schedules and details! Sign-up online at crossfitgames.com! All are welcome to participate.
There is always something happening in the CFV Community…
Check the Announcements page of our website for regular community updates!
Mon: RMU, Pistols & Sprints, then 7 minutes of FUN!
*Silver Steps @ 11:00 am
Tues: DB DL, DB HPC & DB OHW, then DB Snatch & TTB
Wed: Front Squat, then ‘Annie’
*Silver Steps @ 11:00 am
Thurs: Turkey Club with KBS, Cleans, WB, DL & Russian Twists
Fri: ‘Daniel’
*Silver Steps @ 11:00 am
Sat: Row, Dips & Plank, then HPS, OHS & Box Jumps
Sun: Push Press, then Farmer Carry, HSWU & Goblet Wall Sit
*Morning Yoga @ 8:30 am