- Accessories: defined as amenities provided by CFV and it’s facility above and beyond attending coach led group classes.
- Box Access: defined as access to the gym / equipment during regular class hours outside of a coach led class. Coaches are on premise but not actively supervising. Classes have priority over space.
- Athlete’s Choice: defined as either part of a class or pop-up classes outside of a regular schedule with active coach’s supervision and instruction if necessary.
- Open Gym: defined as access to the gym outside of regular class hours.
These above definitions will help outline policy and standards governing use of the gym and its amenities for the new memberships and pricing structure outlined below:
- Elite: $205/mo. (+$10) Includes unlimited CF classes, yoga, Box Access, CFV workshop attendance, and 10min recovery sleeve sessions. Personal coaching, seminars, and specialty programs extra.
- Rx: $185/mo. (+$5) Includes 15 classes and athlete’s choice times. all accessories extra
- Sc: $165/mo. (+$5) Includes 10 classes and athlete’s choice times. all accessories extra
- Grandfathered: Varies (No change). Must have been a member since 615 Morris Ave
- Full-time Student: $125/mo. (+$10 and age restriction TBD) same as elite
- Military/Veteran: $150/mo (No change) same as elite
- Personal coaching: $50 for one 30 minute session with coach for correction and guidance. scheduled as necessary. Box Access for the month included.
- CFV workshop: $10 for one 30 minute skill focus session. 6-8 person cap. scheduled multiple days/times per month.
- Recovery sleeves: $10 for 10 minutes of motorized compression recovery for upper or lower body. scheduled as necessary
- Yoga classes: $10 for one 60 minute class. scheduled 2/wk.
- Nutritional coaching: $TBD. scheduled as necessary. Box Access for the month included.
- Seminars: $TBD by instructor.
- Specialty programs (e.g. Barbell Club, Endurance, etc): $TBD by frequency.