Please visit parkmobile.com to download the app so that you don’t need quarters for the meters. Also, morning classes please note that parking across the street from CFV is only allowed after 9am. Mon: Back Sq @ 80% then GSO 1A&B Tue: Handstand work then Sprint + Girl Wod Wed: C&J complex then WB, C&J Thu: Athlete’s Choice Fri: Dips or MU work then DL, MU Sat: DU, AMSU, KBS Sun: Kipping then TTB, FR Lunge Mon: Pam Bday Wod with sled push, box jump, row, SU, AMSU Mentally prepare for any wod 100% rule #MaylinReynoso    
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Mon: Hero wod with WB, HSPU, Clean Tue: TGU then Box Jumps, KTE Wed: 1RM DL then Lunge, Slam Thu: Athlete’s Choice Fri: TTB, SDLHP, KBS Sat: DL, Pullups, HPC, TTB, PP, Box Jump, DB Snatch, HSPU (general GSO Prep) Sun: 9/11 Partner IGYG amrap then DU, l-sit, SDL Mentally prepare for any wod    
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1x/wk: $85/mo with 3mo commitment or $90/mo 1x/wk: $90/mo with 6mo commitment or $100/mo 2x/wk: $150/mo with 3mo commitment or $160/mo 2x/wk: $160/mo with 6mo commitment or $175/mo 3x/wk: $170/mo with 3mo commitment or $180/mo 3x/wk: $180/mo with 6mo commitment or $195/mo Unlimited: $185/mo with 3mo commitment or $195/mo Unlimited: $195/mo with 6mo commitment or $210/mo Punchcard: $95 for Four Classes Punchcard: $125 for Five Classes 5% discount for Family/Same Household only. Military and Full Time Student discounts stay the same.   Agreement (signature required)   AGREEMENT Definitions: The Facility means Crossfit Veracity and/or Crossfit Aletheia individually and/or together as the case may be or such successors and assigns in title. Membership Agreement means membership to the Facility in accordance with the collective terms and conditions of this Agreement, the Member Profile, the Rates Page on the Facility website and any Facility policies posted on the Facility website, Facility Facebook page, and/or otherwise distributed in writing...
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Mon: HSPU, Chin up, SDLHP, Back Sq, AMSU Tue: Push Press then Partner Front Rack Lunge, Row Wed: Speed DL then AMSU, DU Thu: Athlete’s Choice Fri: WB, HPC, TTB Sat: KB Carry then Hurdles, KBS Sun: Dips and Rows then CTB, Pistols, DBS Mentally prepare for any wod When I see Katrin, I see you and me The energy balance equation is more complex than you think (longer read on nutrition)  
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Come out this Friday, 8/12 for Arianna’s Going Away Night Out @ Stryke in Madison. 730p until…? Mon: T&G Power Clean then TTB, OHL Tue: Deuce’s Bday wod with muscle ups, thrusters, DU Wed: Bench then ball slam, KBS Thu: Athlete’s Choice Fri: Heavy Snatch then light snatches Sat: Speed DL then KTE, Row, Pushups Sun: Box Jump, PP, MBCWB Is your “competitiveness” making you worse? How to do Burpees If you cheat, your coach noticed. You fooled no one.  
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