Our Fundraising February is underway! Make a donation in honor of your hard work and perseverance to support One Summit‘s efforts to help children with cancer.  Give a quarter or dollar for every muscle up you make in February, for every wall ball that hits above the red line, or for every strict pull up, etc.  You can donate directly through the CFV CrowdRise Team Page or ask a coach for more details. Mon: DU work, then WB, DU & AMSU Tue: Hurdle Jumps, then DBPS, HDBPS, Box Jumps & Box Jump Overs Wed: Strict Press, then TTB & Shoot Throughs Thu: Athlete’s Choice or Lurong WOD Week 4 with Cleans & Pull Ups Fri: Back Squats, then L-sit Pull Ups, Thrusters, Back Rack Lunges & KBS Sat: Partner work with Man Makers, Hip Taps & Row Sun: Dips, then SDLHP & Pull Ups The CrossFit Open begins February 23! REGISTER here. We are looking for 100% participation! Please make sure you are...
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Join us for the Nate Hardy WOD Challenge Fundraiser on Saturday, February 4. Nate was a Navy SEAL, Purple Heart recipient, and hero killed in action on February 4, 2008. Ask family and friends to make a donation for each round you complete, make a donation yourself for all of your hard work, support a fellow box mate by donating in honor of their workout, and/or bring a friend to sweat by your side for the cause. Suggested donation is $5 per round. Money raised will be collected at CFV and goes directly to the One Summit Boston Marathon Team. Mon: Cleans then Grace Tue: Pendlay Row & DU, then Power Snatch, HRPU, DL & Pull Ups Wed: TGU & OHL, then Thrusters & TTB Thu: Athlete’s Choice or Lurong WOD Week 3 Fri: Happy Birthday Anne Marie! WB, Box Jumps, CTB, Dips & Row Sat: **Nate Hardy Memorial Fundraiser** Sun: Snatch work, then OHS & AMSU The CrossFit Open begins February 23!...
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The CrossFit Open begins February 23! REGISTER here. We are looking for 100% participation! One of the Lurong Livings partners, Danny Putnam, will be hosting a Live Q&A on Facebook this Monday night at 9pm EST. If anyone has questions, concerns, thoughts, whatever it may be, please feel free to become apart of the conversation via Lurong Living’s Facebook page. Mon: Happy Birthday Marina! DL, WB, Row, Pull Ups, AMSU, Ball Slams & Push Ups Tue: Bottoms Up Kettlebell Press, then HPC, HRPU & CTB Wed: Happy Birthday Lauren K! Box Jumps, KBS, Lunges, KTE, PP, WB & DU Thu: Athlete’s Choice or Lurong WOD Week 2 with WB, DU & Wall AMSU Fri: Power Clean Week 6, then C&J & RMU Sat: WB, Box Jumps, KBS, DU, AMSU, HRPU & Goblet Squats Sun: RMU work, then TTB, Ball Slams, Rope Climbs & Lunges Please make sure you are registering (“RSVP”-ing) for classes before you show up and “Checking In” to classes...
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The CrossFit Open begins February 23! REGISTER here. We are looking for 100% participation! CFV is participating in the 2017 Lurong Living Resolution Challenge. We are forming a team to work together. Make the commitment and sign up to join us! Our Goal Board is up in the front hallway! Talk to your coaches about how to set measurable, attainable goals for the months and year ahead. Mon: MLK Memorial partner workout with Yoke Walks, Wall Sits & DU Tue: Barbara Wed: Power Clean Week 5, then Row & Back Rack Lunges Thu: Athlete’s Choice or Lurong WOD Week 1 with Snatches, DL, Box Jump Overs, HRPU & Thrusters Fri: HSPU work, then WB, Thrusters & HSWU Sat: Partner work with DU & Sprint Sun: Happy Birthday Amy K! Please make sure you are registering (“RSVP”-ing) for classes before you show up and “Checking In” to classes at the computer when you arrive.
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CFV is participating in the 2017 Lurong Living Resolution Challenge. We will be forming a team to work together. Make the commitment and sign up to join us! Our Goal Board is up in the front hallway! Talk to your coaches about how to set measurable, attainable goals for the months and year ahead. Please make sure you are registering (“RSVP”-ing) for classes before you show up and “Checking In” to classes at the computer when you arrive. Mon: Clean work, then Snatch, AMSU, C&J, Ball Slams Tue: Mary & DT, then Back Squats Wed: Row, Box Jump Overs, DL, WB & Ring Dips Thu: Athlete’s Choice or JR Bunner Memorial WOD Fri: Tempo Front Squats, then PC, HSPU & Row Sat: Happy Birthday Maria! Ball Slams, Air Squats, Push Ups, WAMSU, PP, DL, Thrusters & Clusters Sun: PP, then KBS, Thrusters & CTB
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