In order to access your settings, click on the 3 bars at the top left.
How do I update my Kiosk Pin?
- Click Settings
- Click the Actual Kiosk Pin Number
- Click Update Pin
- Enter New Pin
- Click Save
How do I update my profile photo?
- Click Profile (photo)
- Click on the photo
- Choose from Library to upload a photo
- Click Photo to take a photo
How do I see my upcoming invoice?
- Click on Billing and you will see your upcoming invoice
How do I update my credit card information?
- Click on Billing
- Enter the information under payment method
How do I change my notification settings?
- Click on Settings
- Turn on / off the notifications would you like
How do I hide my workouts from the leaderboard?
- Click on Settings
- Scroll to the bottom
- Turn off the Workout Results are Public to hide your workout results
How do I know if I have been removed from the waitlist and added to a class?
- Click on Settings
- Turn On/ Off “Waitlist to RSVP”
- You have 3 ways to know if you have been added to the class from the waitlist: Email, In-App Notification, or Text Message.
How do I reset my password?
From the home login screen, click “Forgot Password” and a password reset link will be emailed to you.
How do I view my notifications?
All new notifications will appear in the top right with a notifications bell and the number of notifications.
Alternatively, you can also click on the 3 bars and then click messages to view all notifications.
How to register for a class:
- Click Schedule
- Click the Class
- Click Reserve Spot
How to cancel a class reservation:
- Click Agenda
- Click Not Going
How to Check-In to a Class:
- Click Agenda
- Click Check In