AMRAP x 20min
5 Burpees
25 Double Unders
20 Alternating Lunges
5-10-15-20… KB Swings, American Standard
*Every 5min including 3,2,1 go…perform 46sec Static Hold of Choice
AMRAP x 20min: it was over a $20 bill
5 Burpees: for the month. Symbolic for the often taken-for-granted ability to repeatedly stand up from the ground. Can easily be substituted with HRPU or Up-Downs
25 DU: for the day. Can easily be substituted with Single Unders or Plate Hops
20 lunges: for the year. Symbolic for the knee that never should have been held down for that long. Can easily be substituted with single arm front rack or OH lunges.
5n KBS, American standard: Really would love to see purposeful, thoughtful movement here as this is symbolic for being able to repeatedly raise your hand for others to see that you want to be counted as part of the solution. Stand for something or fall for anything. Can easily be substituted with Alt DB Power Snatch or Plate GTOH.
46sec hold: for passing away at 46 and as a small part of the recorded (and likely longer) 8min and 46sec with a knee on his neck. Can easily be a heavy sandbag bear hug hold, plank, wall sit, front rack hold, etc. as 46sec will seem like an eternity for any hold of your choice.
2021: Please consider donating to Eleven-plus, a non-profit based out of Summit
2020: Please consider purchasing a t-shirt or muscle-tee as net sales will be donated to the NAACP Legal Defense Fund