Sheryl Ruck

Sheryl Ruck Coach At Gym In Millburn

It was 2012. I was working out at a local globo gym. It was mom’s hour at the gym after the kids get dropped off at school when another mom that I knew comes up and tells me “you’re not really working out.”  I argued back “yes I am, I sit on this bench and I do 12 reps and four sets.” That’s when she said  “No, you’re coming with me, I will drive.”
So two other moms and I jumped in her car and she took us to CrossFit. I loved it and signed up that day.  She was right, I wasn’t really working out.

That week hurricane Sandy hit our town and the gym owner sent a email telling us where we should meet to help folks clean up. I was a little confused. I thought I had joined a gym and not a rescue squad. That’s when a learned about the powerful community Crossfit creates.

In 2021 I decided to take my love of the sport one step further and to get my L1. It’s been nothing short of an amazing journey from athlete to coach and I’m so proud to be a part of this amazing supportive staff!


  • CrossFit Level 1 Certified – ANSI Accredited
  • CrossFit Weightlifting Certified – Burgener Strength