Nutrition WOD

Mon: Row, Manmakers, HPC, AMSU, Box Jumps, Handstand Walks Tue: Heavy Back Sq, then DU, BMU/CTB Wed: Please do not overflow parking lot so we can do tire flips, then DB Snatch Thu: Athlete’s Choice Fri: Bench press then KTE couplet Sat: team row, HRPU, WB Sun: OHL, KBS, Box Jumps Watch US Olympians teach us mere mortals how to row (which is the same way CFV coaches teach you) Murph announced for the 2016 CF Games What’s important Mind Games
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Mon: Clean Complex then Thruster, Box Jumps Tue: DB/KN OHS then TTB, SDLHP Wed: Sean “Off the Market” Kennedy Bday wod with manageable sets of HPS, OHL, Pushups, Ball Slams, Pullups Thu: Athlete’s Choice Fri: Strict press then row, OHS, HSPU Sat: PP, Ring Dips, KBS Sun: Pistol Sq then DU, DL Just an easy 500 KG deadlift… Murph announced for the 2016 CF Games What’s important
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Mon: DT Benchmark Week! Tue: Handstand PU/W work then Row Wed: Cluster, CTB Thu: Athlete’s Choice Fri: Annibel Sat: Lauper Sun: 1RM DL then Sprint Lives in a van, down by the river (almost) LaCroix
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Mon: (Karen – cal) then OHL, KTE Tue: Bear Complex then Bear Complex, BMU, Burpee, HSWU Wed: DL then MBT, WB, Row Thu: Athlete’s Choice Fri: DU, Lunges, Ball Slams, CTB Sat: RevB then TTB, KBS, Pushups Sun: Closed this Sunday, July 3rd Holiday Schedule for Monday, July 4th: 730a, 900a, 1030a only Next week is benchmark week!
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Mon: Thruster, rope climb, HPS Tue: Back squat then lunge, handstand walk and Jared is back on Tuesday! Wed: TTB, Box Jump Thu: Athlete’s Choice Fri: Sled then PP, AMSU Sat: Mary P Bday wod Sun: Row, KBS New Swag! Purchase Stars, Stripes, and NJ Shirt HERE Elliptical Syndrome
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